Song of the moment "Ashes Everywhere" by Jospeh Arthur (Track 2 on COME TO WHERE I'M FROM)
I feel solid in my solitude
...I can't sleep. That is unfortunate because I have to get up in 5 hours for work.
This is usually the time of the year that I get really depressed. Last year I gave up drinking... (Except on my birthday) because it was getting out of hand. At least in my opinion. Numbing the pain does nothing but distract you from how much you are losing control over your life.
I had quit my job... I was broke and lonely. I was going to see depressing movies by myself (Solaris). Things weren't going well at all. The last few weeks in November spelled doom for what would be 5 months of doing nothing but hiding from myself and the world.
I began to think about Sarah... and it drove me deeper down.
This year, I have picked myself up and dusted myself off. Too much time had been wasted. I got my job back... I tossed that rock I was hiding under as far as I could... and haven't since looked back. Until now.
Heaven, I believe... is in our hearts and minds. It is in our memory and our soul.
Did I think about Sarah this year? Yes... But for once in a differently light. She will always be in my heart, regardless of whether I ever see her again or not. I honestly doubt I ever will. She will always be there no matter who I love or marry. A little piece of heaven in the occassional hell that is my heart. I can always look back on what we had... and for the rest of my days it will bring a smile to my face... and a warmth between my chest and stomach... Sarah will always be there, regardless of what happens. Perhaps in some way it will be the same way to her with me.
I would be lying if I said I never want to see her again. Or that I secretly hope she will show up here someday at my doorstep.
Love is power. Take that as you will, but it works both ways. It has the power create, and the power to destroy. Love is one person having dominion over another human being. It is fire. It is control.
Love is vulnerability. I miss being able to throw caution to the wind and just fall into someone.
I don't ever want to know if she gets married, has kids, etc. My life would be better leaving that to my imagination... or shoving it so far down that I never have to deal with it again. Why? Because it can still hurt me. As strong (or weak) as I have become... there are still certain ways to break down my defenses.
Certain people still have an "In". I don't deal with most of them anymore.
However... The ashes have to be scattered sometime. I have carved out a little niche for myself... I like where my life is at the present (although I worry about the future)... You have to grow up and say goodbye every once in a while. Shut the damn door and make SURE you turn the light off. It will always be there... just don't need it.
And, I think I am ready to do that. I have come into the habit of being brutally honest with myself and others when it comes to my emotional and physical well being. I'm human... and I bleed and hurt.
posted by deaDpixeL @ 12:24 AM